
The Best Cheap Wine

Rarely do I ever come across a cheap wine that’s passable. Wine is classy, sophisticated, and holds a higher value than any other alcoholic drink. There are wines that are better on the palette or on the nose. But I know that there are people out there looking for a wine to bring to a big party or a rager.

So what exactly are the best wines of the cheap (or should I say affordable) world? Have you ever questioned what is the coors and natty ice of the wine industry? Let’s go ahead and find out.


Francia, the box wine.

Don’t be fooled by the name. It’s a very cheap wine, it’s fun to bring at parties, and most importantly it gets the job done (drunk). Not much to talk about here as we are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

Such classy wine drinkers
Such classy wine drinkers

It taste somewhat good to the oblivious wine drinker. It’s simple much like Kool-Aid. It’s also very sweet so no added complexity.

Get it for the party and listen to people tell you how they can’t tell the difference between this and $100 dollar bottle of wine.

Mad Dog 20/20


If you hate wine, then you’re going to love this wine! It’s got everything wine haters love: sweetness, citrus, and different flavors like “orange Jubilee” and “banana red” whatever that means.

These fortified wines are packed with sugar and artificial flavor. You know, the way nature intended for wine to taste like.

You’ll normally find these next to a dumpster fire or your local “Food & Stuff” Store.

Charles Shaw (Two Buck Chuck)


One of my favorite cheap wine out there. I’ll drink Charles Shaw for the same reason I’ll drink Bud light. It’s cheap and it’s fun.

I’ll also feel like I have a bit of dignity as the Bronco Wine Company which owns Charles Shaw still puts a little pride into making their wine.

The company has won a number of awards and even 2 under the Charles Shaw label. Their 2002 bottle got a double gold metal beating 2,300 other wine at the Annual International Eastern Wine Competition. Not bad for a cheap wine.